
so much work

so, i'm planning this tour for jesus for president and i'm realizing how much will need to get done before this summer! we have most of the cities finalized but now the real work will start in details. i can't help but be real excited though! i don't think most people who know me would expect that i'd be looking forward to life on a bus for a month but i can't wait! 22 cities in 30 days. crazy.


libb said...

are you coming to see me?

Anonymous said...

What cities are ya'll hitting?

Linda said...

i'm assuming that you have all your cities lined up?? Did some other Austin-ite church/org. take you up on this?? If so, I'd love to have you and Chris stay with me. Or whoever else needs a place!
Let me know where you are going...if not Austin, maybe I can come see you all somewhere else while you're on the road. I'm looking forward to the book!!!