
wires in the sky

i was sitting on my porch this evening, looking up towards the sky and realized that no matter where i am (at least in my neighborhood), just 20 ft above my head, are power lines. maybe this isn't an astounding revelation, certainly an obvious one, but these wires have become so normal i don't even notice that, at all times, electricity is vibrating above me. at all times. and it's normal. i don't even notice them. that's so weird. and unsettling.


adiaspeer said...

i agree! the newer developments have them all underground (i'm not sure that's any better except to the eye)

did you take that picture?

Heather said...

beautiful clouds!!

mamajo said...

i often think of all the "waves" we're walking thru, driving thru, breathing thru when, in some areas, every other person is on a cell phone. yikes!! but like heather said, "the clouds are still beautiful"

xoxooxox to you

andreaferich said...

i identified with the transformer out my bedroom roof on broadway for so long, good ol 188549, that my mensy cycle took on its electromagnetic frequence.

Jay DePoy said...

Cassie. You're the best.